War against Ukraine February 20, 2025 This interview with a young Ukrainian is intended to show the genocidal nature of Putin's aggression in Ukraine, through the living testimony of a teenager from the city of Mariupol, who since childhood grew up suffering the...
How can we defend women’s and Queer rights?
By CHRISTINE EVANS, Workers Power USA The incoming Trump administration has committed itself to deepening the current attacks on the rights of women and other oppressed sectors of the population. The direction in which Trump and his allies seem to be headed may be...
Workers Voice USA Trump’s rise to office: Here comes the raw deal
By JOHN KIRKLAND, Workers Voice USA Donald Trump was sworn in on Monday, Jan. 20 (Martin Luther King Day), in a ceremony attended by Washington’s elite, a contingent of tech oligarchs—including Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Musk—and former presidents. In his inaugural...
Jan. 25 online forums: 1) Taking on Amazon! 2) Syria after Assad
How workers are organizing in warehousing and logistics internationally Sat., Jan. 25, 1 p.m. ET, 10 a.m. Pacific, 6 p. m. London time Link: tinyurl.com/Amazon-forum Join us for a live online meeting. Hear and discuss the different ways that workers at Amazon are...
“Trans Predates Christ”, Trans History Is Part Of Humanity’s History
By Connie Frankish and Martin Ralph “Where has all this wokeness come from?” “Why do people just identify as whatever these days?” “How are there so many trans nowadays?” The arrogance of many Christians and political leaders like Donald Trump ask why must the trans...
Women’s March: National emergency of violence Against Women
On Saturday 18 January Connie Frankish was invited to speak by the ‘National Women’s March’ on trans issues. The Liverpool rally and march was attended by more than 1000 people, mainly young women. Later many congratulated Connie on her speech. The national UK Women's...
Interviewing the dynamic IWGB
Socialist Voice interviewed Celestino Pereira, a member of the Independent Workers Union Socialist Voice: The IWGB is one of the most militant union in London. Why is that? Celestino: Well, I’m not entirely familiar with the broader union landscape in London, but I...
Day of Action 28N Builds Support for Palestine
By Martin Ralph On 28th November 2024, trade unionists and activists across the UK organised a National Workplace Day of Action for Palestine, called by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Stop the War Coalition, with official backing from the TUC, Unison, UCU, NEU,...
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