Joe Bloggs

Written by Joe Bloggs

Genocidal war in Sudan

Genocidal war in Sudan

Written by Justice For Sudan and agreed at the student encampment University of Liverpool There are approximately 15,000 dead, with widespread plundering and rape, combined with displacement and famine. Human rights organizations describe horrific scenes of people...

Julian Assange released

Julian Assange released

On 24 June, Julian Assange was released from Belmarsh Prison and was able to return to Australia (his country of origin). He had been detained since 2019, at the request of the US government, with a request for extradition, accused of "revealing secret information"....

Solidarity with immigrants and asylum seekers

Solidarity with immigrants and asylum seekers

A motion for trade union branches Considering, government attacks on asylum seekers and immigrants through the racist and divisive system of immigration controls, we reject the continuous criminalisation and demonisation of all immigrants conducted by the media and...

Queers 4 Palestine

Queers 4 Palestine

Fighting for our collective humanity This is Lara’s speech, a student on the encampment at the University of Liverpool who spoke at the Queers 4 Palestine vigil at the student encampment on 31 May. When we first advertised this event, some people had questions about...

No vote for capitalist Labour

No vote for capitalist Labour

Build a new workers party with all the oppressed n the 4 July a general election will be held in Britian following 14 years of Tory corruption, workers struggling against austerity, a long strike wave against the cost-of-living crisis and an unceasing struggle to...

NHS Nurses and Palestine – May Day

NHS Nurses and Palestine – May Day

Tracy Scott, an NHS nurse working in advanced breast care in the region.  She was invited to speak on Workers International Day, and her speech showed the growing connection between workers, union struggle and Palestine A couple of years ago I became involved in a...

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