The tensions that occurred throughout the 18th and 19th remain issues in Stockport today. Stockport is an area of wealth with pockets and areas of poverty – a town where rich and poor co-exist. Today in Stockport while the homeless sleep on the “beach” under...
Peter Windeler

Written by Peter Windeler
A life of workers and political struggle in Stockport
John Pearson, Secretary, Stockport Fights Austerity - No To Cuts I first met Peter when we were founder members of the Stockport branch of the Socialist Alliance in 2003. I became Secretary and Peter became Treasurer. It soon became apparent that Peter was a highly...
Stand Up To Racism Holocaust memorial
Peter Windeler speaking on behalf of Stockport Trades Council 27 January 2022 As you may be aware, Trades Councils bring together trade unions in particular localities to fight and defend workers' rights and working conditions. Although I am now a representative on...
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