In a recent article in Syrian Observer, 4 August Analyst: Russian Officer Expelled Syrian Defence Minister from Daraa the author gives an explanation why the incursion forces acted as they did. (I) Hamza al-Hourani, Syrian refugee does not...
How can we defend women’s and Queer rights?
By CHRISTINE EVANS, Workers Power USA The incoming Trump administration has...
Workers Voice USA Trump’s rise to office: Here comes the raw deal
By JOHN KIRKLAND, Workers Voice USA Donald Trump was sworn in on Monday, Jan....
Jan. 25 online forums: 1) Taking on Amazon! 2) Syria after Assad
How workers are organizing in warehousing and logistics internationally Sat.,...
“Trans Predates Christ”, Trans History Is Part Of Humanity’s History
By Connie Frankish and Martin Ralph “Where has all this wokeness come from?”...
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